Ef hval rekur á fjörur manns

Out of the blue

The relationship between man and whale has deep historical roots. The whale lives a long and eventful life characterized by travels, strong emotions and beautiful songs. Above and below the surface of the sea the environment can greatly affect the whale. 

The death of the whale occurs in different ways at different places. In the instance of a Whale fall, when a whale beaches, and at the hands of man.

Through a design context, this project explores the diverse destinies that fall upon a whale – a testament to its significance in the context of our world above the surface.




Set out with the topic Whales, the third year Product Design students at Iceland University of the Arts began a 13-week-exploration into the mysterious world of whales. 


The project is the result of a collaborative project by students in the course Stefnumót við Hvali (Rendezvous with Whales) at The Iceland University of the Arts.

Explore the project below:

From space, the planet is blue.

From space, the planet is the territory

Not of humans, but of the whale.

Heathcote Williams – Whale Nation

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