Workshop week in Húsavík 25.9 - 1.10 2023

The group went on a trip to Húsavík to take part in a workshop and the first ever Hönnunarþing/DesignThing. DesignThing is a Design Festival in Húsavík where designers show their works and talk in a conference. They also gave us access to a state of the art Fab Lab facility where we spent a lot of our time thinking and creating. We also spent our time talking with researchers from Háskóli Ísland and local residents of Húsavík, as Húsavík is known to be a “whale town”. In the week we spent there we collected materials had valuable conversation and evolved our research. 

Three big things we did in Húsavík are that we held an exhibition about our research work so far in Stéttin Fab Lab. We also gathered information and stories from locals in the area by recording and hosting talks about whales in the local swimming pool. That event was called Hvalahjal/Whale Tales. Lastly we held a workshop for the kids of Húsavík on a satuday morning. Our goal was to figure out their perspectives of whales, what they know and how they would make the whales lives better. We made draw pictures of solutions for the different problems that whales face in their life.  


Photos from Húsavík

Hvalahjal / Whale Tales

Interview with Heiðar Hrafn Halldórsson project manager of Húsavík Whale Museum.

Poster we made to gather residents in Húsavík for interviews.

Workshop with the Children of Húsavík

In Húsavík, we introduced non- traditional research methods of designers to children. The children were led through meditation and exercises where imbodying the whale and they had the opportunity to design whale aids. Here you can see parts from their designs.

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